Exploring Myopia
with Dr. David Kading

The Myopia Website is fueled by Dr. Kading’s passion for exploring the world of myopia management. From content-rich newsletters and blogs to the information-packed Myopia Podcast, Dr. Kading brings his knowledge of myopia education to The Myopia Website to spread awareness and collaborate with other respected voices in the field. 

The Myopia Website is all about collaboration, professional growth, and opportunities to have engaging and insightful conversations through The Myopia Podcast. 

Dr. Kading started The Myopia Podcast as a way to share his years of experience in the field with a wider audience, and he invites you to be a part of this journey.

About The Myopia Podcast

Explore “The Myopia Podcast,” a worldwide phenomenon listened to in over 70 countries, showcasing the groundbreaking efforts of Dr. David Kading. Since its inception in late 2021, the podcast has been a beacon of knowledge in the myopia management domain. Dr. Kading, an acclaimed expert, engages with top-tier clinicians, researchers, and industry pioneers, shedding light on the most recent developments, innovative approaches, and essential clinical tools designed to revolutionize myopia care.

Dr. Kading’s commitment to myopia management extends beyond the podcast, with a career that spans since 2004 in patient care, influential research, and advisory roles within the industry. He is a fervent advocate for advancing pediatric myopia management and is recognized globally as a specialist in the field. His extensive experience includes lecturing worldwide on eye care, where his insights and methodologies have inspired professionals and shaped best practices in myopia management.

Operating from Seattle, Washington, Dr. Kading’s practice, Specialty Eye, serves as both a premier center for patient care and a hub for clinical research. It is here that Dr. Kading mentors residents and clinicians, imparting best practices in myopia management. His work not only contributes to the field through direct patient care but also by driving innovations in myopia management research.

Each succinct episode of “The Myopia Podcast,” under 30 minutes, equips listeners with the latest in innovations, concepts, or theories to enhance myopia management practices. This resource is invaluable for professionals eager to refine their approach and anyone interested in the advancements of myopia management.

Immerse yourself in “The Myopia Podcast” today and accompany Dr. Kading on a journey to push the boundaries of myopia management. Experience the latest episode and join a worldwide community committed to improving eye health for children across the globe.

The Most Recent Podcast

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Collaborate with Us

Myopia management is an ever-evolving field, and Dr. Kading strongly believes in collaboration to develop and discuss new ideas with respected voices around the world. 

If you’re interested in consulting with Dr. Kading, please feel free to connect with us to discuss new opportunities and professional development. 

Contact us today to get in touch with Dr. Kading.

Downloadable E-Guides

The Myopia Handbook is coming soon! 

When you sign up, you’ll get access to informative myopia management content designed to make complex concepts accessible and relatable. The Myopia Handbook by Dr. David Kading is an essential guide for eye care professionals navigating the field of myopia management.

We will store all future e-guides here, and all you have to do is sign up to access them.

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