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#1 The Myopia Podcast: Introduction

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Dr. Kading has been involved in Myopia world since 2005 and has been passionate about stopping the progression of Myopia. As many of you know, Myopia is on the rise and it has been known as the other Global Pandemic. In this podcast, we will share with you insights from the world renowned people in Myopia field.

About Dr. David Kading

Dave Kading has been recognized by his peers as one of the top 50 most influential optometrists of all time, as a top innovator in eyecare, and in 2017 was listed among the top 10 practices in eyecare. His progressive and forward thinking approach to healthcare and tech work to bring about a new and fresh perspective. He consults with healthcare

and technology companies around the world to help them see what the

future might bring.

Dr. Kading completed his specialty training in Custom Contact lenses and

Cornea Disease. He now hosts a fellowship program on dry eye and

specialized contact lens fitting at his 4 doctor 2 location practice in Seattle


The Specialty Dry Eye and Contact lens center is a referral based dry eye

and CL practice specializing in complex and rudimentary dry eye and

contact lenses. The practice also produces cutting edge research. He has

written over a hundred articles and papers, and has given several hundred

lectures internationally.

Dr. Kading is expanding the methods of gaining eyecare information

through his social media and digital channels. He has a regular vlog post

on his youtube page: davekading. He also has a regular Video Column

called Clinical Insights, several columns in Contact Lens Spectrum, and an

email column in Contact Lens Today.

Above all things, he enjoys spending time with his optometrist wife, Dr.

Kristi Kading and their three daughters

Dr. Dave Kading Social Media:




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Dr. Kading

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Collaborate with Us

Myopia management is an ever-evolving field, and Dr. Kading strongly believes in collaboration to develop and discuss new ideas with respected voices around the world. 

If you’re interested in consulting with Dr. Kading, please feel free to connect with us to discuss new opportunities and professional development. 

Contact us today to get in touch with Dr. Kading.

Downloadable E-Guides

The Myopia Handbook is coming soon! 

When you sign up, you’ll get access to informative myopia management content designed to make complex concepts accessible and relatable. The Myopia Handbook by Dr. David Kading is an essential guide for eye care professionals navigating the field of myopia management.

We will store all future e-guides here, and all you have to do is sign up to access them.

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