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#50 The Myopia Podcast: Bhavin Shah : Teaching Myopic Children to Accommodate

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About Bhavin Shah:

Bhavin Shah (BSc Optom (Hons), MCOptom, FBCLA) is a multi-award-winning behavioural optometrist with over 25 years of experience in the industry. His passion for linking vision with learning, coupled with his unique approach to solving complex problems using innovation and technology led to him specialising in myopia management. Since 2016 he has used behavioural science and insights to successfully build a 6-figure myopia management clinic in London offering a full spectrum of contact lenses and spectacles. His practice is one of the largest prescribers of MiSight lenses in the UK.

Bhavin Shah graduated from UMIST (University of Manchester) in 1996. His passion for technology and innovation as well as improving children’s vision have resulted in his national recognition as Contact lens practitioner of the year (2019 and 2020), and for his practice, Central Vision Opticians to be recognised as Children’s contact lens practice of the year (2018), Technology practice of the Year (2020). He has written about myopia for several professional and general publications, as well as appearing on podcasts and as a speaker on the topic.

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Dr. Kading

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