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#71 The Myopia Podcast: Dr. Andrew Morgenstern: The AOA and The NIH

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Welcome to The Myopia Podcast, where insightful discussions take center stage. In this episode, join me for a captivating conversation with Dr. Andrew Morgenstern as we delve into groundbreaking revelations. We dissect the latest NIH data on atrophy and explore the significant findings from the AOA clinical report.

Tune in for a deep dive into the evolving landscape of Washington DC and the dynamic realm of myopia management. 

Get ready for a wealth of insights and revelations that shed light on the forefront of this vital field.

Thank you Dr. Andrew Morgensten for being part of this episode.

And don't forget to register for the upcoming International Keratoconus Academy Symposium in Bethesda, Maryland May 18-19, 2024.

Huge thanks to Oculus for the generous support to this episode.

About Dr. Andrew Morgenstern:   

Dr. Morgenstern is a graduate of Boston University (B.S.) and Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry (O.D., Clinical Honors). He completed his optometric training at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology.

Dr. Morgenstern is a clinician at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda Maryland with contract duties researching acute eye injury, blast eye injury and vision dysfunction associated with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Dr. Morgenstern is also the Director of the American Optometric Association (AOA) Clinical Resources Group charged with developing all of the AOA Evidence Based Clinical Practice Guidelines in compliance with the US Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Additionally, he holds the faculty rank of Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at the Department of Defense Uniformed Services University School of Medicine at Walter Reed. Prior to his current roles, Dr. Morgenstern was the Mid-Atlantic/Southeast US Clinical Director supervising over 80 Optometrists and Ophthalmologists. Education Director for TLC Laser Eye Centers and Principal Investigator for CXL-USA/CXL-O Corneal Cross-Linking clinical trials/studies.

Dr. Morgenstern has published numerous medical journal articles, book chapters and research posters. He has lectured to, and educated thousands of eye doctors around the globe.

Written by
Dr. Kading

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