The Myopia Workshop

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Event Information

Event: The Myopia Workshop
Dates: December 6 – 7, 2024
Location: Hilton Bellevue – 300 112th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98004

The Myopia Workshop is a unique, intensive 2-day event designed to equip practitioners with the tools and knowledge needed to implement or enhance myopia management in their practices. Scheduled for December 6-7 in the beautiful Bellevue, Washington, this workshop is targeted at practice owners and key stakeholders who can make a significant impact on patient care.

Workshop Objectives

  • For new practitioners: Provide the necessary tools and knowledge to start myopia management
  • For existing practitioners: Help scale and grow their current myopia management to a higher rate
  • Outcome: Attendees will double their current myopia management or begin treating a minimum of five patients a month

Is This Event Right for You?

  • Who: Practice owners or key stakeholders and a key team member.
  • Why: To empower those who can implement and drive myopia management in their practices.

Workshop Highlights

  • The Myopia Epidemic: Understanding the importance of axial length
  • Science of Myopia Treatments: Insights from various treatments
  • Topography and OK Treatments: Practical applications
  • Tools and Tricks for Success: Utilizing axial length, growth charts, etc.
  • Soft Lens Myopia Treatments: Lessons from six years of experience
  • Atropine Compounding: Addressing challenges
  • Marketing and Billing: Effective strategies
  • Case Challenges: Practical problem-solving

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Collaborate with Us

Myopia management is an ever-evolving field, and Dr. Kading strongly believes in collaboration to develop and discuss new ideas with respected voices around the world. 

If you’re interested in consulting with Dr. Kading, please feel free to connect with us to discuss new opportunities and professional development. 

Contact us today to get in touch with Dr. Kading.

Downloadable E-Guides

The Myopia Handbook is coming soon! 

When you sign up, you’ll get access to informative myopia management content designed to make complex concepts accessible and relatable. The Myopia Handbook by Dr. David Kading is an essential guide for eye care professionals navigating the field of myopia management.

We will store all future e-guides here, and all you have to do is sign up to access them.

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