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#3 The Myopia Podcast: Jeff Walline: Why Atropine in Myopia Management

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Why do we think Atropine works?  If you think it is because of accommodation, think again.  We also discuss concentrations and the studies leading to how I use atropine in my practice.  Also, Jeff speaks about a recent study talking about what your patients will experience when they use atropine.  Jeff's work in the area of Myopia has been so influential in my myopia practice.


About Dr. Jeff Walline:

Jeffrey J. Walline, OD PhD is the Associate Dean for Research at The Ohio State University College of Optometry. He received his Doctor of Optometry degree from the University of California, Berkeley School of Optometry, and he received his Master’s and PhD degrees from The Ohio State University College of Optometry. Dr. Walline has led several pediatric contact lens studies, and he is the Study Chair of the Bifocal Lenses In Nearsighted Kids (BLINK) Study, a National Eye Institute-sponsored randomized clinical trial to investigate the myopia control effects of soft multifocal contact lenses.

Where to find Dr. Jeff Walline:

Instagram: @jwalline1

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Dr. Kading

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