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#36 The Myopia Podcast: Dr. Joe Boorady: The Future of Myopia

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About Dr. Joe Boorady:

Joe Boorady, O.D., F.A.A.O. is a veteran in the eye care community with over 25 years of experience. He currently serves as Global CEO of Eureka Technology Holdings, LTD  and Euclid Systems Corporation.  Prior to Eureka, Dr. Boorady was the VP, Ocular Surface Disease at Johnson and Johnson Vision. Prior to Johnson and Johnson Vision he was the President and CEO of TearScience, Inc. which was acquired by Johnson and Johnson Vision in Sept. 2017. Before joining TearScience, Dr. Boorady was Senior Vice President of Sales, Service and Marketing at Zeiss Meditec, Inc. Dr. Boorady has spent over 25 years in the ophthalmic industry as an eye care professional, educational leader, entrepreneur and corporate executive. He has clinical experience as the founder and owner of several primary eye care practices in New York and New Jersey. He was the Vice President for Clinic Affairs and Executive Director of the University Optometric Center of the SUNY College of Optometry in New York City. Prior to his most recent position at SUNY, Dr. Boorady was Director of Continuing Professional Education, delivering eye care education to optometrists and ophthalmologists in over 20 countries, Director of Managed Care for eight years, Founding Director of the University Eye Care Network, IPA. Dr. Boorady has an O.D. from the SUNY-College of Optometry Class of 1993 and in 2010 he became an alumnus of the Harvard Business School.


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Dr. Kading

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