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#41 The Myopia Podcast: Dr. Michael Lipson: The Current Status of Orthokeratology Fitters in the US

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About Dr. Michael Lipson:

Dr. Michael Lipson is recently retired from his position as an optometrist/associate
professor at University of Michigan, department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science.
His clinical practice involves specialty contact lenses: OrthoK, keratoconus, post-corneal
transplant, post-refractive surgery and severe dry eye patients. He has published peer-
reviewed clinical research studies on OrthoK, vision-related quality of life, myopia
management and new lens designs. He lectures nationally and internationally on those
same topics. Dr. Lipson developed a validated questionnaire to assess vision-related
quality of life for all types of vision correction, including OrthoK. He has authored
chapters in textbooks on OrthoK, scleral lenses and general contact lens topics. Dr.
Lipson is the author of the book “Contemporary OrthoKeratology”. He also is a reviewer
for a number of highly-respected peer-reviewed journals in the ophthalmic community.
He is a consultant to the specialty contact lens industry emphasizing OrthoK education.
He is on the GPLI Advisory Board, served as Vice-President of the Scleral Lens Education
Society and served on the Scleral Lens Education Society Board for many years.

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Dr. Kading

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