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#45 The Myopia Podcast: Philip Cheng: Myopia Management in Australia, Axial Length Changes and the Effects of Myopia from Covid

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About Philip Cheng:

A Fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (FIAOMC) and with 19 years of clinical experience in the profession, Melbourne optometrist Philip Cheng is an internationally-recognised industry leader in myopia management. He is the director of Eyecare Concepts Melbourne, an independent practice with a focus on paediatric eye care, myopia control, orthoK and specialty contact lenses.

Philip is dedicated to providing world-class, comprehensive myopia care to children and teenagers, and passionate about peer education as well as promoting public awareness of the issues around childhood myopia and the options now available to treat this progressive condition.

He has been an industry spokesperson for Myopia Awareness Week, a consultant for the Brien Holden Vision Institute Academy, professional involvement in the Essilor Myopia Management Education Project, contributing writer for OA Pharma magazine, a presenter on myopia management for Optometry Australia and the University of Melbourne, and a Board Member of the Orthokeratology Society of Oceania. Recently he presented at the Global Myopia Symposium, Asia-Pacific Myopia Symposium and the World Council of Optometry Global Myopia Management Virtual Event.

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Dr. Kading

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