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#61 The Myopia Podcast: Dr. Stephanie Ramdass: Myopia Master in Practice

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In this episode, Dr. Stephanie Ramdass takes us on a deep dive into the world of myopia management, uncovering the transformative power of the Myopia Master. Discover how this innovative tool can streamline processes and revolutionize educational perspectives, ultimately enhancing patient care and outcomes.

Tune in to gain exclusive insights from Dr. Ramdass, as she shares her expertise on incorporating the myopia master into your practice. Get ready to explore the latest advancements and techniques that will help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving field of myopia management.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Oculus for their generous support, in making this episode possible. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion!
Join us on The Myopia Podcast and revolutionize your approach to myopia management today

Learn more about Myopia Master here:

About Dr. Ramdass:

Dr. Stephanie Ramdass is in clinical practice in Toronto and Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. She graduated from the Inter American University of Puerto Rico School of Optometry and completed a cornea and contact lens residency at the Michigan College of Optometry. Dr. Ramdass is a member of the Ontario Association of Optometrists, and fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and the Scleral Lens Society. She is a contributing author/editor for Contact Lens Spectrum and Clinical & Refractive Optometry and a committee member and contributing author for the International Myopia Institute.

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Dr. Kading

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