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#52 The Myopia Podcast: Dr. Erin Tomiyama: Atropine: Are your patients getting what they paid for?

About Dr. Erin Tomiyama:Dr. Erin Tomiyama is an Assistant Professor of Optometry at Marshall B. Ketchum University.She is a Southern California native and completed her undergraduate degree at UCLA. She then. received her OD degree from the Southern California College of Optometry at Marshall B. Ketchum University. Dr. Tomiyama moved to Houston, TX to complete […]

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#51 The Myopia Podcast: Dr. David Kading: 14 Reasons Why You Should Love Myopia Management

So you're thinking of starting your myopia management practice? Congrats! You are one step ahead! It is an exciting step to take and I am sure you will find it to be very rewarding. However, you are still stuck and undecided if you are going to pursue this path. In this episode of The Myopia […]

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The Myopia Podcast: Special Episode with Dr. Kading

It's been a year since The Myopia Podcast decided to become an independent channel from The OI Show. In this episode, we are going to reflect on the past 50 episodes we have released. OPHTHALMIC INNOVATION SUMMIT REGISTRATION: USE CODE: TMPODCAST to get $100  OFF of registration fee. The OI Show: […]

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#50 The Myopia Podcast: Bhavin Shah : Teaching Myopic Children to Accommodate

About Bhavin Shah: Bhavin Shah (BSc Optom (Hons), MCOptom, FBCLA) is a multi-award-winning behavioural optometrist with over 25 years of experience in the industry. His passion for linking vision with learning, coupled with his unique approach to solving complex problems using innovation and technology led to him specialising in myopia management. Since 2016 he has […]

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#47 The Myopia Podcast: Dr. Brianna Rhue: ODs vs. OMDs: Comparisons and Differences in Myopia Management

About Dr. Brianna Rhue: Brianna Rhue earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Arizona before earning her Doctorate of Optometry at Nova Southeastern University. She completed her residency at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami and is a partner at West Broward Eyecare in South Florida. Dr. Rhue is passionate about health care […]

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#46 The Myopia Podcast: Dr. Natalie Chai: Myopia Management for Emetropes

About Dr. Natalie Chai: Dr. Natalie Chai founded the Dry Eye Centre at Precision Eye Care when she joined the team in March of 2020. Dr. Chai attended the University of Alberta before receiving early acceptance to Pacific University College of Optometry in Forest Grove, Oregon, where she earned her joint Bachelor’s Degree in Vision […]

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#45 The Myopia Podcast: Philip Cheng: Myopia Management in Australia, Axial Length Changes and the Effects of Myopia from Covid

About Philip Cheng: A Fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (FIAOMC) and with 19 years of clinical experience in the profession, Melbourne optometrist Philip Cheng is an internationally-recognised industry leader in myopia management. He is the director of Eyecare Concepts Melbourne, an independent practice with a focus on paediatric eye care, […]

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